10 Small Details You Missed In Dune

3. The Future Is Not Absolute

Dune Mentat
Warner Bros.

Before the movie even starts, some viewers may have noticed the words "dreams are messages from the deep" with a deep throat-speaking voice (the voice of a Sardaukar). This serves as our introduction to Paul's future-sensing dreams. Prior to encountering the spice, Paul's visions of the future were limited to his dreams. We see clearly that he will dream things just as they happen but it is not always 100% accurate.

One scene that shows the flaws in Paul's prescience is when he is with Jessica in the desert and has a vision of his battle with Jamis, the Fremen at the end of the movie. In the vision we see Paul stabbed by Jamis and we also see a future of him and Jamis being friends and Jamis acting as Paul's mentor.

As we know, the events didn't play out like that. Jamis was killed by Paul in ritual combat. This is because Paul's visions are not of the absolute future but rather projections of what the most likely futures will be if he does certain things. His dreams are messages from the deep, the deep being the deep past, which Paul uses to inform his prescience.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.