10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

7. 80's Homage

Happy Death Day

If you felt a bit of an 80's vibe during your first viewing of Happy Death Day, that's not exactly a mistake. Writer and director, Christopher Landon has said in multiple interviews that he's taken inspiration from a number of popular movies from the decade.

For example, the mean girl vibe Tree and other characters seem to possess comes from the movie Heathers. A lot of the comedy and light-hearted tone was heavily inspired by Back To The Future. And does it even have to be explained how Groundhog Day was an influence?

However, surprisingly enough, the coming-of-age love story between Tree and Carter was inspired by the 1984 high school romance film Sixteen Candles. According to Landon, he believed that no one captured young love better than the young John Hughes, this made a lot of sense.

If you don't see the connection, there's a certain scene taken right out of Sixteen Candles as a homage. Did you notice it?


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.