10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

5. Maybe A Little Too Similar?

Happy Death Day
Columbia Pictures

The director has previously stated that Groundhog Day was one of his influences when making this film and how could it not be, it's the golden standard for time loop films and will never be topped. It's engaging, funny and above all, heartwarming.

The story of a cynical weatherman who treats everyone around him with complete disdain, learns to value others over himself, ultimately finding a new outlook on life, immediately touched the hearts of audiences everywhere.

Wait, what was Happy Death Day about again?

Oh right, it's the story of a cynical university student who treats everyone around her with complete disdain, learns to value others over herself, ultimately finding a new outlook on life... huh, well that's probably where the similarities stop, right?

It's not like Tree wakes up to the same song every morning, goes through a comedic death montage in the middle of the movie, and falls for an overly nice character who offsets her initial character arc... okay, but that's where the similarities stop, right?

Wait, is Danielle Tree's Ned Ryerson!?


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.