10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

4. Acting All Innocent

Happy Death Day
Universal Pictures

A movie like this just isn't complete without the protagonist running around trying to describe their personal purgatory to everyone.

We all know the drill here - no matter who Tree tries to tell about her "predicament," people just shrug her off as nothing more than loopy. However, in one scene, when she tries to tell her roommate Lori that she's already lived through the day, she has an interesting reaction.

Tree tries to convince Lori of her situation by correctly predicting that she got her a cupcake for her birthday, not knowing of its poisonous contents. However, really watch Lori's expression in this scene.

Instead of a confused or shocked look, she has a look of worry or fear. Almost as if she thinks Tree has figured out her sinister scheme. Even when Tree reveals that someone is trying to kill her, Lori immediately tells her that's a ridiculous notion. As her friend and roommate, shouldn't she a bit more worried about this rather than denying it?

After your first viewing, scenes like this make it even more obvious of Lori's intentions towards our heroine.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.