10 Smart Movies With Incredibly Dumb Twists

7. The Captain Of The Icarus I Is Still Alive - Sunshine

The Life Of David Gale Kevin Spacey
Fox Searchlight Pictures

For its first two-thirds, Sunshine is another riveting psychological thriller from Danny Boyle, topped by a heady, literate sci-fi script from writer Alex Garland.

The first hour-or-so of the film is focused on a group of astronauts embarking on a desperate mission to reignite the dying sun, with Boyle fixating on the psychological toll of such a mission.

Sadly, though, the final reel takes a sharp left-turn into more conventional genre territory with the reveal that the captain of the previous expedition to reignite the sun, Pinbacker (Mark Strong), is still alive.

More than that, he was driven insane by the mission and effectively sabotaged it, believing that God ordered him to render humanity extinct.

And so, the end of the movie devolves into a familiar - albeit well-shot - slasher movie with a prosthetics-clad Mark Strong skulking around the ship stalking the remaining survivors. Boo.

While debate continues to rage about how much it "ruins" the movie, it's definitely a significant injection of stupid in an otherwise clever and thoughtful sci-fi thriller.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.