10 Smartest Decisions Made By Scream Characters

3. Sidney Goes Into Hiding - Scream 3

Scream 4 Jill
Dimension Films

After surviving two encounters with Ghostface, it's little surprise that a presumably totally traumatised Sidney effectively decided to go into hiding, moving to the mountains of Monterey, California where she cloisters herself away in a heavily secured house with her father.

She even went to the effort of changing her name to Laura while working from home as a crisis counsellor for at-risk women.

Basically, she did everything she could aside from literally moving to another country to ensure another potential Ghostface couldn't easily locate her.

Ultimately Ghostface still managed to track Sid down and successfully lure her to Hollywood by killing the cast members of Stab 3, but let's face it, she was probably pretty damn safe in that house with its top-of-the-range security system.

As self-preservation goes this is super smart, and could've only been improved by going off the grid completely or at least getting the hell out of California.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.