10 Smartest Decisions Made By Scream Characters

4. Chad Turns Down Sex With Liv - Scream (2022)

Scream 4 Jill

Though Randy's nephew Chad (Mason Gooding) isn't nearly as genre-savvy as his sister Mindy (Jasmin Savoy Brown), he nevertheless subverts expectations by proving himself far smarter than his stereotypical name and jock tendencies would suggest.

The original Scream points out the horror genre's tendency to punish those who have sex, though ultimately subverts it by having Sidney survive after losing her virginity to a killer of all people, Billy.

In the fifth Scream, Chad is invited for a hookup with his girlfriend Liv (Sonia Ben Ammar) in the middle of a busy party at the Macher house, though despite what the audience expects a guy like Chad to do, he ends up turning Liv down.

His reason? He's not 100% convinced she isn't the killer, causing Liv to angrily storm off that he doesn't trust her.

Ultimately Chad loses a few points because he does end up heading off in search of Liv and almost loses his life as a result, but this might be the first time in the history of slasher movies that a buff jock turns down sex for the sake of self-preservation.

Granted, Liv wasn't the killer and Chad ironically might've avoided being attacked by Ghostface altogether if he was busy upstairs with Liv, but the logic of his decision was completely sound in the moment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.