10 Sneaky Movie In-Jokes You Might Have Missed

9. Mr And Mrs Smith

Mr And Mrs Smith Having kept their occupation a secret from each other for years, our married assassins have to confront the truth once they realise that they have both been assigned the same target, Benjamin 'The Tank' Danz (Adam Brody). And so they team up to bring him down, making his capture and subsequent torture into one of the film's most memorable scenes. But not for its horrific depiction of violence. No,it's the fact that Brody, tied to a chair and desperately fast-talking his way out of a beating, is wearing a Fight Club t-shirt. Director Doug Liman has explained that the inclusion of this shirt was less a shout-out to Pitt's finest performance and more his way of telling the audience not to take the film too seriously. Duly noted, but the drama of the scene is now largely robbed by this distraction. Amongst the constant rumble of bullets and bombs, the film's loudest bang is that of a million fanboys' heads exploding. Which leads us nicely to...
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.