10 Sneaky Movie In-Jokes You Might Have Missed

8. Fight Club


Just before Marla is escorted onto a bus and out of town (well, that was the plan...), we can see that the marquee above the Olympic cinema is advertising a re-release of Seven Years In Tibet . Or rather, "Seven Year In Tibe"; they must've run out of letters that week. Director David Fincher has not attached any significant meaning to Pitt's 1997 film or its misspelling, but has stated that, in the interests of equality, there are also marquees for The People vs Larry Flynt and The Wings of the Dove (starring Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter, respectively) tucked into the film. He's right, but unfortunately, you have to really, really squint to pick them out of the background.
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.