10 Snowbound Horror Movies For Christmas

5. Silent Night

30 Days Night
TriStar Pictures

Back in the VHS era, a movie called Silent Night Deadly Night was picketed by groups who took issue with the film’s villain, who stalked and slashed the youthful supporting cast while wearing a Santa costume. Rebooted as Silent Night in 2012, this modern version is arguably more depraved yet failed to invoke the ire of moral watchdogs.

Given the weapons in the killer’s arsenal, that comes as something of a surprise. As well as using fairy lights to strangle (and electrocute) two victims, Santa has at his disposal a sickle, an axe, a flamethrower and various knives. He has no problem cutting off a priest’s fingers before stabbing him repeatedly and doesn’t balk at thrusting a poker through a girl’s head.

The only death anyone remembers from the original is Linnea Quigley being impaled on moose antlers which is faithfully recreated here, but it’s trumped by a sequence where Santa chases a topless starlet with an axe, chopping off her foot before feeding her to a wood chipper.

Ho ho ho, indeed.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'