10 Space Movies That Broke All The Rules

1. The Martian

Solaris George Clooney
20th Century Studios

It may be one of our closest planets to Earth, but the striking red landscapes of Mars haven't often been explored on film.

That is until 2015's The Martian. Starring Matt Damon, the film brings us a survival movie in space, underpinned by Damon's wonderfully acerbic comic timing.

It certainly pushes believability at times, but it also feels very real and grounded, particularly in that it focuses so much time on the very basic needs of Damon's stranded astronaut. We see him grow food, battle the elements, and figure out ways of trying to communicate with those back on Earth.

The Martian feels like Castaway set in space, and proved that "survival" space stories can be incredibly compelling.

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I have been writing about film for almost 5 years, contributing to sites including WhatCulture, JumpCut Online, Cineworld, and Zavvi. I also host a couple of podcasts, JumpCast and Let's Jaws for a Minute. You can often find me on the internet evangelising about Disney or why Jaws is the greatest film ever made...