10 Spider-Man Villains (And Combinations) Deserving Of The Big Screen

5. Venom

Venom The source material for Marc Webb€™s Spider-Man films is the Ultimate universe, a spinoff series retelling the origins of Marvel€™s flagship characters for a new generation. From what I can tell, it keeps the names of these characters the same and changes almost everything else. Webb's franchise could certainly be headed toward Venom. Now technically, he was already used once, which makes him different from every other villain on this list. But his shameful appearance in Spider-Man 3 hardly counts. In that movie, Venom came off as one-dimensional as possible. While it is a singular motivation that keeps the character interesting €“ his hatred of Peter Parker and Spider-Man €“ it€™s what Venom does to the wall-crawler that makes him such an enduring and terrifying character. In the version with which I€™m familiar, a living costume from an alien world bonded with Spider-Man who wore it for awhile and then rejected it, after which the suit found Eddie Brock whose hatred for Spider-Man matched the creature€™s own. Together, they became Venom and hounded Spider-Man relentlessly. Creator Todd Macfarlane€™s original depictions are genuinely creepy. With full knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity, Venom stalked Peter Parker's loved ones and made his life a living hell. Simply killing Spider-Man isn't enough for Venom; torment is the name of his game. Anything Spider-Man can do, Venom can do better. Whatever origin story filmmakers ultimately give the character, it€™s important that the magnitude of the terror he can inflict in Spider-Man€™s world be kept. He is the classic type of villain, a total inversion of the hero.

Kyle Schmidlin is a writer and musician living in Austin, TX. He manages the news blog at thirdrailnews.wordpress.com. Follow him at facebook.com/kyleschmidlin or twitter.com/kyleschmidlin1.