8. The Witches of Eastwick
The Witches of Eastwick is a weird film - there's no other word for it. Three gossipy, small town women discover they are witches after the devil comes to live in their town. The cast is incredible - we've got Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon, Jack Nicholson, and Cher in the leading roles - and up until it gets a bit strange, the film is very enjoyable. About halfway through, we realise that the so-far quite whimsical witchery is not so Sabrina the Teenage Witch innocent, but tied up with sexuality and supposed immorality. The spookiness of this film lies not so much in the pure fact of witchcraft, or in Jack Nicholson's devil (although, as you'd expect, he's a very good devil), but in the witches' complete inability to resist Nicholson's whims. Nicholson splits them apart, but they reunite in order to vanquish him. However, these efforts ultimately fail, and the bizarre end to this bizarre film shows the three of them living in a sort of orgy house with Jack Nicholson, each with a son evidently borne of him.