10 Spooky Halloween Movies To Freak Your Kids Out

2. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Nightmare Before Christmas Yeah, yeah Nightmare Before Christmas is more about Christmas than it is any other seasonal occasion but there's no denying it's a great fit for Halloween especially as Jack Skellington - the film's protagonist - is the King of Halloween town before he gets bored and sets out to steel Christmas for himself. Kidnapping Santa Claws and assuming the role himself Jack wants nothing more than to give the kids of the world the best Christmas they've ever had but his ideas of what makes a good gift are far removed from those of Jolly Old St Nick and it isn't long before the new and improved 'Sandy Claws' is exposed as a fraud and Christmas as we know is threatened for ever. Catchy songs and unforgettable characters make Nightmare Before Christmas an all time classic movie that begins with Halloween and sees us right through to Chrimbo.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.