10 Spooky Halloween Movies To Freak Your Kids Out

3. ParaNorman (2012)

Paranorman Norman Babcock can see dead people. Although it is more of a curse than a gift young Norman is lucky in that the majority of spirits he sees on a daily basis are pretty friendly. But when his weirdo estranged uncle dies he is tasked with protecting the town from the imminent threat of a long dead Witch who has been confined to her grave for hundreds of years. At the same time as the Witch awakens seven zombies rise from the grave seemingly intent on eating the brains of Norman and his friends. Will Norman be able to use his 'gift' to communicate with the walking dead and how will this help him save the town from the evil witch? Well you'll just have to watch the film yourself to find out. An underrated horror comedy for kids with evil Witches and brain eating Zombies? They didn't make cartoons quite like this when I was growing up!

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.