10 Stand-Alone Star Trek Episodes More Important Than You Realise

6. Sanctuary

Voyager Doctor

Sanctuary is a second-season episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It is by no means a bad episode, though it again could easily fall into the curse of early episode syndrome. While DS9 actually survived that curse with arguably the fewest entries, this was not one of them. The Skreeanns arrive from the Gamma Quadrant, displaced from their homes.

Though this would not be the first mention of the Dominion in DS9 (they had been mentioned in Rules of Acquisition), this was perhaps the first example of how bad they could get. Three million desperate survivors fleeing the Jem'hadar, though they of course weren't named until the end of the season, set the stage for much of the bloodshed to follow.

Andrew Koenig guest stars as Tumak, a troubled Skreeann teenager. While his people are negotiating with the Bajorans for a place to settle, he steals a ship and attempts to land on Bajor anyway. There is a radiation leak that is ignited by phaser fire, and his ship explodes. Koenig was the son of Walter Koenig, who of course played Chekov in the Original Series. Andrew was a passionate civil rights activist and was once arrested for protesting in front of the Chinese float during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

He would apparently die by suicide in 2010, making Sanctuary his only Trek appearance.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick