10 Star Trek Characters That Are Still At Large

7. Toral

Sela Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

This little git made for a wonderfully annoying, yet oddly compelling, challenger to Gowron in Redemption. The illegitimate son of Duras, he claimed the right to be considered for the Chancellorship of the Klingon High Council. He was struck down by Picard, which led directly to the Civil War. He survived the conflict, though was reduced to a scavenger.

He would reappear to bother Worf again, though this time in the Gamma Quadrant. First played by JD Cullum, he was recast, now appearing played by Rick Pasqualone. Pasqualone has had a long career in acting, with the bulk of it as a voice actor. He is still active today.

Toral is still out there, though perhaps could have come up against the Dominion during his time in the Gamma Quadrant. As a Klingon without any discernable honour, there is little doubt that he would do whatever it took to survive - which would lead to a storyline in which another member of the Duras family was charged with betraying the Empire.

One has to wonder if Worf would be as forgiving if Toral were presented before him another time - it could be an excellent opportunity to use his new Kur'leth sword, designed by the incredible Dan Curry.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick