10 Star Trek Characters Who MUST Return

3. Sela

Harry Kim Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

It seems as though every third or fourth article mentions Sela, either by decrying the way her character was simply dropped or by praising her cunning while on the Next Generation. This, however, seems like a smart move on the writers' part.

Picard deals with not only the aftermath of the Romulan supernova, but the first season also dealt with his relationship with the Romulan people. Denise Crosby last appeared in All Good Things, though as Tasha Yar, Sela's mother. With all of the rest of the main cast for the Next Generation's first season either having already appeared or are slated to appear in Picard, not including Crosby seems like a deliberate exclusion.

Sela would be the most obvious and correct choice for a return, as Tasha has died in two separate timelines. Of course, death means next to nothing in the Star Trek universe (unless your surname is Dax), so the hope is not lost for a return by Tasha Yar herself. Whichever character she ends up playing, Crosby's return to Star Trek would cement a tribute to the Next Generation in the best way possible. Here's hoping!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick