10 Star Trek Episodes That Seriously Deserve A Second Chance

7. The Reckoning

Star Trek Kira

The entire Prophets storyline of Deep Space Nine is a bit marmite - people tend to get deeply invested, or feel their eyelids grow heavy, whenever Sisko opens up one of those Orb boxes. But The Reckoning was an example of including the Prophets, introducing the Kost Amojen, and dialling the action up to eleven.

The events of this episode set up the finale of the sixth season, but also much of the final run of the seventh season. Louise Fletcher's pitch-perfect Kai Winn, maddeningly sure of herself, is guaranteed to set your teeth on edge. However, it's her self-righteous indignation that Sisko failed to thank her after her actions that is enough to drive most fans over the edge. There's barely a person alive who wasn't hoping Major Kira would flush her out of the airlock at that moment.

The episode would gain a little more notoriety when the tablet that features so heavily here appeared in the teaser for Star Trek: Picard's second season. Alas, it was simply set dressing! The hearts of so many Trekkies broke when that realisation was made - but there is still this episode to enjoy, along with - it almost goes without saying - a superb performance from Avery Brooks.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick