10 Star Trek Re-Shoots That Totally Changed The Ending

1. Star Trek Generations - Kirk's Death

When Star Trek: Generations was first filming, the ending that was planned was quite different from the one that audiences eventually saw in the theatre. Most of the elements were the same - Kirk returns from the Nexus to help Picard battle Soran, but the outcome of this fight changed. Rather than fall down the mountainside on the bridge, Kirk was shot in the back by Soran.

This ending, while securing Soran's villainous status, didn't sit well with audiences. There was something in the fact that the great Captain Kirk was more obviously murdered by the mad scientist that made it a bitter pill to swallow.

This feedback was taken on board and the ending was reshot. Now, Kirk was simply on board the rickety bridge, which finally collapsed, sending the man plummeting to his death at the bottom of a ravine. While this allowed for the brief but beautiful moment between Kirk and Picard, it was still a little underwhelming for audiences. Time has been kind to Generations, which has received something of a reappraisal in recent years. Still, when all is said and done, that scene of Picard building a cairn for his predecessor packs a punch to this day.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick