10 Star Trek Re-Shoots That Totally Changed The Ending

4. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Facets - Brooks Is Too Creepy

Star Trek Kirk Rock Monster
CBS Media Ventures

The third-season episode of Deep Space Nine, Facets, sees Jadzia Dax recruit her friends to act as temporary hosts for the previous incarnations of the Dax symbiont. While most of these lead directly to comedy, there is one host who is about as far away from funny as it's possible to get.

Commander Sisko takes on the guise of Joran Dax, the unstable murderer who had been hidden from Jadzia's memories previously. Though confined to a holding cell, for everyone's protection, Joran proves adept enough at psychological intimidation that the forcefield barely stops him.

Avery Brooks took the brief - crazy guy is mean - and ran with it. His first delivery was deemed to be far too creepy by the producers, who felt that the episode's ending would taint the way audiences perceived the man. The dialogue was strong enough without adding the psychotic element, so they elected to reshoot these scenes.

Brooks was instructed to dial back his performance, who was then able to deliver the scenes that ultimately ended up in the episode. This, combined with Sisko and Dax's small laugh at the end, allowed the two of them to go on being friends by the end, and ultimately wiped away fears that an unsympathetic character would be left in charge of the station.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick