10 Star Wars Anthology Movies That Need To Happen

1. Kenobi

Star Wars Maul

An Obi-Wan spin-off seems almost a given at this point.

Ewan McGregor is the right age to play a retired (but not yet Guinnessed) Kenobi, the actor and Star Wars fans alike have both expressed interest in the project, there’s plenty we don’t know about Obi-Wan between Episodes three and four, and his character fits so perfectly into the mould of a Kurasowa samurai movie that it’d be a terrible shame for this not to happen.

McGregor’s portrayal of an increasingly cynical but well-meaning Jedi was one of the best parts of the Prequel Trilogy, and to see him return to the role (outside of his brief voice cameo in The Force Awakens) is something a lot of people want to see.

Perhaps there’s an interesting story to tell about Kenobi’s life after his exile. Maybe he falls in love and must come to terms with how his feelings conflict with the Jedi code. Or maybe he bands together with a group of militia fighters to fend off a party of raiders/Storm Troopers on Tatooine, Magnificent Seven style.

Whatever the specifics of the story, Obi-Wan is the perfect ‘in’ for a very different kind of Star Wars movie, perhaps something with smaller, more personal stakes, that still feels familiar and cinematically compelling.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.