10 Star Wars Bloopers You Need To See

1. Peter Cushing Gets Tongue Tied - Episode IV: A New Hope

Ben Kenobi

The story goes that Carrie Fisher's brief jump into a British accent during A New Hope came about partially due to the Princess Leia actor being slightly intimidated by the presence of acting titan Peter Cushing on set. And these nerves partly caused her to revert to an RP sound on the day.

But if you needed a reminder of the rather charming man behind the often heartless mask of Grand Moff Tarkin, then look no further than the hilarious outtake of the pair's intense verbal showdown on the Death Star.

With Cushing - decked out in his comfiest slippers - trying to bully Leia into revealing the whereabouts of the Rebel Alliance's base, the usually unflappable veteran suddenly finds himself getting somewhat tongue-tied. And it's that unplanned bout of verbal misfiring that soon leads to the heart-warming sight of a flustered Cushing playfully shaking Fisher as the two late Star Wars icons share a friendly laugh and a smile together.

After this quick flustered finger point and break of character, though, it was back to destroying entire planets and breezing around the space station in his slip-ons.

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