10 Star Wars Bloopers You Need To See

2. Hayden Christensen Can't Find His Footing - Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Ben Kenobi

Returning to those times the galaxy's most recognisable figures simply could not put one foot in front of the other on a movie set, a young Hayden Christensen definitely did a great deal of falling whilst making his Star Wars debut in Attack of the Clones.

Whether he was clashing lightsabers with the masterful Count Dooku, trying his best to catch up to slippery bounty hunters, or just trying to make a swift exit from his soon-to-be wife's bed chambers, the Anakin Skywalker actor just couldn't catch a damn break. If there was something to trip over, slip on, or smash into, Christensen was your Chosen One.

The fun-loving star also shared many a laugh with Natalie Portman on the back of botching the odd on-screen conversation, too. The Amidala actor's deadpan "let go of me" delivery, despite Christensen not remembering to grab hold of the former Queen of Naboo, makes for a particularly wholesome blooper.

And the future Darth Vader also only goes and foreshadows his eventual crispy Mustafar fate by letting out an impromptu "God, that's hot!' mid-meal stop with Padmé during the Episode II blooper reel. The soup on Naboo is not for the faint hearted, folks.

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