10 Star Wars Bloopers You Need To See

3. John Boyega's Bio-Mishap - Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Ben Kenobi

A quick glance at the substantial blooper reel for Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi outing tells the story of a cast and crew who were seemingly only ever a few seconds away from bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter or getting locked into a vicious loop of frustrating takes.

And while John Boyega was at least lucky that his particularly annoying Episode VIII redos didn't involve him getting repeatedly whacked in the face by the iconic Carrie Fisher, his difficulties delivering the word "bio-hexacrypt" during a scene with Rose, Po, and BB-8 certainly must've felt as painful at times.

It's the typically blank expression on C-3PO's face in the background, little BB-8's concerned head-tilt, and Oscar Isaac and Kelly Marie-Tran helplessly watching on as their mate tries to maintain his cool that all merely lead to Boyega growing more exasperated with each unfortunate blunder.

He only went and nailed it in the end, though! And after watching just how tough a task it was trying to perfect such a seemingly throwaway piece of sci-fi jargon, the entire sequence feels that little bit more satisfying upon a rewatch.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...