10 Star Wars Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

8. Rogue One - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Padme Death

Because Rogue One focuses on the renegades who forfeited their lives to ensure the Death Star schematics reached the Rebels, we always knew these guys weren't getting out alive.

Despite knowing the outcome, it's always difficult to watch a suicide mission. As Jyn Erso and her companions infiltrate the garrison containing the schematics, we can immediately see casualties are necessary for this infiltration to succeed.

The droid, K-2SO, sacrifices himself to let Jyn and Cassian enter the data chamber. Imwe creates a channel to the Rebel fleet, giving the Imperials the chance to kill him. When Bodhi tells the Rebels they need to destroy the planetary shield, he leaves himself vulnerable to a grenade explosion.

Despite the fact Jyn and Cassian are ultimately successful with the data transfer, they don't have time to celebrate since the Death Star obliterates them seconds later.

Because Rogue One's actions led to the Rebels' first true victory against The Empire, it's unquestionable they didn't die in vain. Nevertheless, you can't help feeling bad for them. Not only were they reduced to atoms, Luke, Han, and the rest of the Rebels never knew who they were.


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