10 Star Wars Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

7. Mace Windu - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Padme Death

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine may very well be the most powerful Sith to ever live. Because of his unlimited power, it was no surprise he vanquished most of the Jedi Order in a matter of seconds.

But when he faced General Mace Windu, it seemed Palpatine had finally met his match. Not only did Samuel L. Jackson's character disarm The Emperor, he deflected the Sith Lord's force lightning back at him, deforming him permanently.

If Palpatine somehow got the upper hand and overpowered Windu, fans could accept that. Although it would be sad to watch this badass Jedi go, at least we knew he went out fighting the greatest threat the galaxy had ever seen.

However, Windu suffers a cheap death, since he has his arm lopped off by Anakin just as he's about to put an end to The Emperor. While he's left vulnerable, Palpatine shocks Windu with force lightning, hurling him out of the building. Even though there's a lot of Star Wars characters who suffered horrific deaths, Windu is the only one to be dismembered, electrocuted, hurled from a skyscraper, and squished into the pavement - all in the span of ten seconds.


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