10 Star Wars Characters With Most Wasted Potential
2. Jango Fett
The Clone Wars animated series (2008-2020) did a great job at filling in the blanks with several prequel-era characters.
General Grievous got way more opportunities to impress, as did Clone characters like Commander Cody. Unfortunately, all of this was too late for another shiny warrior: Jango Fett.
Fett, who's portrayed by the New Zealand legend Temuera Morrison, first shows up to assassinate Senator Amidala via the medium of killer slug. He then gets into it with Obi-Wan, ends up on Geonosis, and gets his head lopped off by Mace Windu.
That's simplifying it slightly, but not by much.
Fett is reduced to a tertiary villain in Attack of the Clones who only gets about five minutes of screen time overall.
Ultimately, his main purpose was to be killed and become the origin story for his son Boba. The second generation bounty hunter would have been a prime candidate for this list, had he not gotten his own Disney+ series in 2021.
As for Jango, he's currently consigned to the great big Star Wars "What If?" heap.
At least there'll always be that time he hit his head on the door to the Slave I. Good times.