10 Star Wars Characters You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

9. Bail Organa

Chewbacca Death

For as important of a character as he is, the death of Bail Organa on Alderaan is very quickly forgotten during the events of A New Hope.

Wanting to showcase the power of the newly-constructed Death Star and force information out of Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin chose to destroy the entire planet of Alderaan, which had a population of two billion. Included in that population were Leia's parents, Bail and Breha Organa, much to the princess' dismay.

Whilst the film contains Alderaan's destruction, George Lucas chose not to show the fate of the planet from an inhabitant's perspective, probably as to not throw in any additional characters into the story who would serve virtually no purpose. Still, Bail Organa, one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance, met his end when he looked into the sky and saw an ominous dark sphere pointing down at him, with an intense barrage of green lasers charging up, signalling the death of himself, his wife and his planet.

In a sense, Organa was lucky that his death was relatively painless and instantaneous, being immediately vaporised. Even so, it is fair to say the terror he, Breha and two billion other innocents experienced, makes Organa's and Alderaan's death incredibly brutal.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.