10 Star Wars Cliffhangers That Will Never Be Resolved

4. How Did Maz Get Luke's Lightsaber?

Solo Qi'Ra

In The Force Awakens, Rey receives Luke Skywalker's (Mark Hamill) lightsaber from Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o), and when Han Solo (Harrison Ford) asks her where she got it, Maz simply offers the enigmatic response, "A good question for another time."

Fans very reasonably assumed this would eventually be addressed by the end of the sequel trilogy, but alas, it never was.

Now, the 2020 canon comic Star Wars #4 did shed some light on what happened to the lightsaber after Luke lost it on Cloud City, by revealing that an Ugnaught picked it out of the trash.

But how it made its journey from there to Maz is anyone's guess. The most obvious answer is that it was sold and traded down the line until it reached Maz, yet given her cagey retort to Han, it sure seemed like she had a juicier answer than "I found it in a pawn shop."

With Luke's lightsaber being buried at the end of The Rise of Skywalker, though, it feels like the series has not-so-symbolically closed the book on this whole chapter.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.