10 Star Wars Cliffhangers That Will Never Be Resolved

3. What Happened To Broom Kid?

Solo Qi'Ra

The Last Jedi ended with a closing final glimpse of a young boy (Temirlan Blaev) - one of the Fathier stablehands at Canto Bight - using the Force to move a broom while cleaning the stables.

This led many fans to assume that the boy, later given the name Temiri Blagg, would re-appear in The Rise of Skywalker, but that ultimately wasn't the case.

In reality, the scene was really just underlining the notion that anyone had the potential to be a Jedi, no matter their standing in life or their family name, following on from the (eventually retconned) revelation that Rey's parents were nobodies.

Even with The Rise of Skywalker ultimately ignoring or downplaying so much of The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson almost certainly never intended to follow up on this character specifically.

All the same, that does nothing to change the fact that many would love to see what Blagg got up to after the events of The Last Jedi.

But considering how hilariously shoehorned Blagg's presence would seem in a future Star Wars movie - especially the recently announced Rey Skywalker film - his fate might be better off left up in the air.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.