When you mention the Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy, two things come to mind: an update to a classic story of a hero's journey, love, family issues, and adventure or the beginning of the end with a timeless piece in movie cinema history. For those who don't know, in 1997 George Lucas and friends released an up to date edition of the Star Wars Trilogy, which featured digitally remastered sound and picture restoration, new scenes, and just a massive amounts of
changes. All in the name of George Lucas. Ever since the Special Edition Trilogy, Lucas and his Star Wars is now unfortunately known for their changes over time that have come with controversial and sometimes harsh criticism. A recent and obvious example is the Blu-ray release of the Star Wars Saga and the new changes that came with that edition. We all know where this is going... "Nooo!" However, as a Star Wars fan I've come to the conclusion that until George is completely happy with his saga - and let's face it, I don't think he ever will be - there's a good chance there will be some kind of alteration to come with his next special edition. So since we all know that alterations to the saga is inevitable, here are 10 deleted scenes that should be reinserted in the next special edition...