8. (Episode V) Leia Tends to Luke

One of the biggest plot holes from Empire to Jedi was how Luke, Leia, Lando, and Chewie found Han or even how Han survived the carbon freezing. Now granted at this point in the movie the climatic revelation of the Skywalker family tree was revealed and it seemed the most important at the time, but I'm sure there were some people worried about Han. Another point to take into consideration was that at the time, it was unsure whether or not Harrison Ford would return to reprise the role of Han Solo, but sense he did in fact return to finish the trilogy, let's all agree that this plot hole should be filled. This scene is again just under a minute long but with just a few lines of dialogue it can clarify so much. As Leia is tending to Luke's lack of hand, Luke naturally asks about Han and what will happen to him. Leia responds by explaining to Luke that he is in hibernation by carbon freezing and that Lando had "fixed" the carbon container so that they could rescue Han later on. Boom! Both plot holes filled in less than a minutes time.