9. (Episode VI) Tatooine Sandstorm
Out of all the deleted scenes I have watched, this is by far the scene that has had better days. After watching this scene for what seems like a million times now I can confidently understand what it is all about. I think. Taking place after Han's rescue from Jabba, this is once again just a simple scene that shows the heroes ending their journey on Tatooine and Luke explaining to everyone his trip back to Dagobah. The sandstorm, to me at least, is actually really cool to see. The chaos of Tatooine surrounding the heroes can be viewed as foreshadowing, on the events soon to follow. I guess you could say the "storm before the storm?" But the kiss! Call me a hopeless romantic if you want, but the kiss between Luke and Leia is fantastic as it could have gotten Han assuming that Leia loved Luke only to find after the battle is won, that is not the case. Poor Han to see them kiss in front of him, he must of been bitter. This scene, instead of the scene in the final cut where the gang fly off in their ships just chit-chatting on the comm, comes off more personal and human and not as rushed as the original scene did.