10 Star Wars Deleted Scenes That Need To Be Restored

5. (Episode VI) Jerjerrod's Conflict

Jerjerrod's Conflict My oh my, what an interesting scene this is. After the destruction of the first Death Star, construction of the second Death Star was already underway with Moff Jerjerrod assigned as the overseer of the project. Jerjerrod would then construct the second Death Star during Empire Strikes Back and up to Return of the Jedi with constant communication with the Emperor. This scene is split into two different parts. The first, shown in the picture above, is Jerjerrod stopping Vader from entering the Emperor's Throne Room. Vader force chokes Jerjerrod until the moff states "It's the Emperor's command!" where Vader finally releases his grip and goes on his way. The second part of the scene reveals many things that could have enhanced the movie greatly. In this scene, Jerjerrod is ordered by the Emperor to fire the Death Star's super weapon upon the forest moon of Endor in the event that the Rebels succeeded in destroying the shield generator. Which they did. Jerjerrod reluctantly follows orders and is too late to destroy Endor for as the super laser is about to fire, the battle station is destroyed. As I stated before, imperial officers and their personnel were characters that were hardly looked upon throughout the saga. While I'm not saying that they should have had more screen time throughout the movie, as that would have been a waste of time, little scenes such as this one would have adequately conveyed enough of a message to show that the imperial officers and solders were not machines but people in a living breathing galaxy; conflicted with their superiors and, in Jerjerrod's case, themselves carrying out their given commands. An interesting point also, is how the Death Star is destroyed just as it is about to fire upon a planet with rebels. Does the saying: fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me apply here?
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