10. The Darth Bane Trilogy (Path Of Destruction, Rule Of Two, Dynasty Of Evil)
The conflict between the Jedi and the Sith has lasted for thousands of years. Outside of the movies, people are most familiar with the Sith from the popular video game "Knights of the Old Republic." However, by the time of the prequels, where the Jedi are many, the Sith number only two: a master and an apprentice. So, how did we get from having hordes of Sith warriors fighting the Jedi legions to having only two Sith shrouded in secrecy? The Darth Bane trilogy is your answer. 1,000 years before "A New Hope," we meet a young miner named Dessel who takes his first step towards the dark side when he kills a Republic soldier. On the run from government forces, he joins the the Brotherhood of Darkness' army and exemplifies himself as a soldier. There, his talents are discovered by a Sith Lord and he is taken to the Sith planet Korriban be trained in the ways of the Force. However, as his training continues, Dessel realizes in order to achieve the power he wants, he will have fully surrender himself to the dark side. Taking the name Bane, he takes his first steps towards his destiny and usher in a new era for the Sith; one where only the powerful remain. The trilogy is the perfect place to learn what the Sith and how the Rule of Two was created. Bane is a terrifying villain whose evil rivals Emperor Palpatine, and is perhaps one of the best characters the books have ever produced. By the end of the trilogy, the Sith have been set on their path that will culminate in them ruling the galaxy.