10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

8. Palpatine Created Snoke

Darth Maul The Clone Wars Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menance

For a time seemingly sitting as the Sequels' answer to the manifestation of evil that once was Emperor Palpatine, fans had often been left pondering how the villainous entity that was Supreme Leader Snoke came into being in the first place, with his origins not being explicitly stated throughout his first two showings in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

So, with a whole lot of downtime to dream up the scenario that gave birth to this menacing but eventually hilariously dispatched Force user, some fans ended up landing on a theory involving none other than an anything-but-dead Darth Sidious being the mind behind Snoke's creation before Episode IX's release.

As hinted at in a Legends story focusing on Darth Plageuis, Sidious' former master, the two Dark Side baddies conduct "The Grand Experiment", involving the duo combining Sith alchemy and the Dark Side as they successfully influence midi-chlorians in a bid to produce life.

This, along with the knowledge of Palps being known to have his own observatories across the galaxy, made his revelation of "I created Snoke" in Rise of Skywalker very much a fan theory come to life, with Snoke actually being a strand-cast forged in a lab by Sidious.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...