10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

7. Kylo Ren Abandons Snoke

Darth Maul The Clone Wars Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menance

Sticking with the one-time Supreme Leader and to a sudden end that many most definitely did not see coming in The Last Jedi's runtime. However, you can always count on a few pockets of the Star Wars fandom sensing a disturbance in the Force a mile off and that was again the case when it came to Kylo Ren's turning on his one-time master here.

As far back as October 2017, a few months before Episode VIII's release, Mike Zeroh, a known Star Wars theorist, appeared to have figured out what the future held for the former Ben Solo and strand-cast. In his own words when discussing the film's trailer shots showing Ren offering his hand to what appears to be Rey:

"Kylo Ren lands on Crait. He burns down the (Resistance) base from within and saves his own mother, Leia. At that point he has already abandoned his master, Supreme Leader Snoke."

Sure, not everything that tumbled out of Zeroh's mouth came to pass in the end. But Ren's turning on Snoke before landing on Crait was about as accurate a fan theory as they come...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...