10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

6. A Familiar Stormtrooper

Darth Maul The Clone Wars Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menance

Star Wars fans have a funny ol' habit of latching onto characters that initially appear to be little more than side players in the eyes of those forging the big screen tales pumped into theatres.

And that was again the case when it came to another unexpectedly awesome presence in Disney's The Force Awakens Sequels-starter, with an all-round badass "traitor"-shouting Stormtrooper quickly becoming a stand-out for many. So much so, that fans took to affectionately naming the baton-flourishing troop TR-8R... get it?

And despite it later being made known that his official name was actually FN-2199, with his nickname being "Nines", the prevailing theory of this trooper and Finn actually having known each other quite well before the latter's eventual defection would actually turn out to be genuine canon in the end.

As it goes, the two Stormtroopers actually went through training together and even became close chums within the same squad, as confirmed in the novel Before the Awakening. This very much adds further depth to that instantly meme-able outcry, with "Nines"/TR-8R feeling entirely betrayed by his one-time bud by the time they come to blows outside of Maz Kanata's castle.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...