10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

7. Yoda's Home Planet Is Ilum

Star Wars

To say that Yoda is arguably the most recognisable character ever introduced to Star Wars, very little is actually known about either the Jedi Master himself, or his race. This has however, gifted fans the opportunity to try and fill in these gaps themselves.

It has never been confirmed exactly where in the galaxy Yoda comes from, but there is a compelling argument that it could be Ilum. This is a snow-covered planet where Jedi were taken for the Gathering, a ceremony in which they would select the kyber crystal from which they would create their own lightsaber. Clearly, this planet had strong ties to the Force and the Jedi.

There have been only three of Yoda's species introduced on screen thus far. Two of them, Yoda and Yaddle, are extremely powerful Jedi with seats on the Council, with the other being Grogu, another incredibly Force-sensitive being. This is no coincidence, and it would make sense if this species came from an environment so tethered to the Force.

There is also the tiny added detail that in The Clone Wars, Yoda didn't feel the need to wear a jacket on Ilum when everyone else did. Could this suggest that the Jedi Master was used to the freezing temperatures of his home planet?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.