10 Star Wars Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

9. Ki-Adi-Mundi's Changing Lightsaber - Attack Of The Clones

Anakin Skywalker Evil

As you'll come to realise over the course of this list, when you stuff a world with the amount of action and complex CGI that we see in particular during the Prequel era of Star Wars entries, the chances of a visual oversight increase exponentially.

During the VFX-stuffed set-piece that made-up the final act of 2002's Attack of the Clones, this manifested itself in what appeared to be one much-loved Jedi master's rather unique lightsaber. As Ki-Adi-Mundi battles alongside his Jedi brethren on the Geonosis battlefield, his blade initially reveals itself to be a vibrant blue when cutting down various droids. However, fast forward a little and Mundi's blade miraculously flips over to a shade of green mid-skirmish before once again reverting to blue upon joining up with Mace Windu and Yoda on a battleship.

You could make an argument for Mundi perhaps losing his weapon a few times over the course of the fight, but it's more likely that the VFX team simply lost track of who should be brandishing what colour sabre over the course of a rather CGI-heavy climax.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...