10 Star Wars Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

8. Vader's Neck Piece Suddenly Appears - Revenge Of The Sith

Anakin Skywalker Evil

Your writer promises this article isn't simply a way of throwing shade at the low-hanging fruit that often is the Prequel Trilogy. However, there's no getting away from the fact that George Lucas perhaps spent a little too much time focusing on digitally rendered monster-mashes than those tiny continuity details that instantly stick out like a sore thumb once you spot them.

Coming in the wake of Anakin Skywalker being chopped down by former Master/brother Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, fans were finally gifted the creation of the baddest force in the galaxy: Darth Vader. Yet, though this fusing of man and machine was undoubtedly one of the film's high points, it still wasn't without its errors.

Specifically, when the iconic mask of the Sith Lord is being lowered onto the mug of the one-time Jedi, we see a severe lack of the lower neck piece that helps comprise the legendary covering. One shot later, though, said neck piece is randomly dropped into the mix like it had been there the whole damn time. It most definitely wasn't, and Mr. Lucas was hoping a dramatic theme and heavily scarred Skywalker would paper over this hard to unsee gaffe.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...