10 Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

9. Kenari Was Only Taught To The Children - Andor

Star Wars The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal
Disney Platform Distribution

Sticking with one of the greatest things to happen to the Star Wars galaxy in modern times, Disney+'s Andor series also brought with it a new unique language in the form of Kenari.

And as revealed by Andor star Fiona Shaw, it turns out that none of the adults seen interacting with the children on Kenari had a clue what the youngsters were talking about in the language - which was actually a fusion of Spanish, Portuguese, and Hungarian - due to the fact that only the kids speaking it were taught Kenari.

This forced the actors to depend on the body language and facial expressions given off by their young Kassa co-star during those flashback sequences, throwing Cassian's eventual adoptive mother into a similar scenario as the one viewers found themselves in, with the show opting to not use subtitles during these early Kenari moments.

Knowing that Shaw's Maarva and Gary Beadle's Clem genuinely didn't understand what the spooked Kenari child was going on about definitely adds another layer of authenticity to this already impressively grounded show.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...