10 Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

8. Werner Herzog Forgot He Was Acting With A Puppet - The Mandalorian

Star Wars The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal
Disney Platform Distribution

You'd be lying if you said you hadn't found yourself completely forgetting - even for just a brief second - that the loveable green icon that is Grogu was actually little more than a ridiculously believable puppet at various points throughout The Mandalorian series.

In the case of one of the stars of the first season of that Disney+ hit though, The Child puppet was so damn impressive that he regularly found himself getting lost in the illusion to the point of actually treating "Baby Yoda" as if he was a living thing.

In fact, director Deborah Chow even went as far as to confess that she experienced one utterly bizarre moment on set involving herself giving Werner Herzog some direction, only for the star - who had clearly fallen in love with the baby and perhaps even forgotten it wasn't actually alive - to start giving direction to his puppet co-star.

This genuine commitment to believing in Grogu being as much a part of the living cast as the likes of Din Djarin and co. undoubtedly changes the way you take in Herzog's mesmerising work as The Client during that gripping first season.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...