10 Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

4. Mark Hamill's Number Sneaks Into A Scene - A New Hope

Star Wars The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal

Despite not having a clue that the project he'd been attached to star in was going to change his life in the way it ultimately did, Mark Hamill clearly had a feeling that a decent number of folk were going to witness his performance as Luke Skywalker in A New Hope.

So, the actor had a cheeky idea while shooting the film's iconic trash compactor sequence.

Early on, Hamill was under the impression that he'd be tasked with delivering a line to C-3PO involving a serial number, and decided that he'd sneak his own phone number into the moment so that it would be "forever preserved on film."

Only, when it came time to shoot the sequence in question, the blocking of the scene meant that Harrison Ford had to let loose the line instead.

After arguing over who would get the chance to say their own number on-screen, the Han Solo star finally gave the "big baby" his wish and declared Mark's digits, leading to Hamill letting out a laugh at just how childish he'd been acting up to that point.

But that's still apparently very much the Luke Skywalker actor's number at the time being blared out by Han after narrowly avoiding being squished to death.

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