10 Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

5. Carrie Fisher's Dog Makes A Sort-Of Secret Cameo - The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal

Many a famous face has found a way to wiggle into the background of a Star Wars project over the years, with the likes of Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Lin Manuel Miranda all sneaking into the Sequel Trilogy, for example.

But one sequel cameo that even the most eagle-eyed fans likely would've struggled to catch (during Episode VIII) saw none other than the late, great Carrie Fisher's loveable pooch Gary get in on the action... sort of.

Inspired by the Leia Organa star's own French bulldog, "Space Gary" was actually a Sheffi pet also known as Awgree, owned by Gatha Elbaphay, a patron of Canto Bight's casino. The tribute to Fisher's dog was an animatronic puppet operated by Daisy Beattie that was also attached to the costume for Elbaphay, which was worn by performer Paul Warren throughout the sequences on Cantonica.

The Canto Bight sequence may not have been everyone's cup of blue milk, but at least it came equipped with an homage that's almost impossible not to adore once you catch it.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...