10 Star Wars Moments That Were Almost WAY Darker

3. Jango Fett's Head Was To Fall Out Of His Helmet

In the climactic scenes of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan, Padme, and Anakin are surrounded by Geonosian soldiers and observed from on high by the Separatist leaders. Guests of honour at this bloodletting are Count Dooku, the bounty hunter Jango Fett, and his son/exact replica Boba. All is going swimmingly from a murdering perspective until the Jedi arrive.

What follows is one of the most spectacular battles in the Star Wars saga, although it almost came with one of the darkest scenes that Lucas had planned to include. Jango Fett, most unwisely, takes on Mace Windu by himself and it is neither a fair nor a long fight. The purple lightsabre slices quickly between his chin and collar bone, leaving his helmet flying through the air and rolling away across the sand.

This is effectively the last we see of the character in the film, though a proposed scene would have his son, Boba Fett lifting his helmet. While a version of this scene was included in the film, what was cut was Jango's decapitated head slipping out of the helmet.

For fear that this might be a little far, Lucas left it out of the cut. Arguably, for the best! However, the animators did manage to sneak in a little reference to it. If you look closely at the clip above, watch the moment after Windu sweeps his lightsabre through Fett's neck. You will see two shadows on the ground while the helmet falls, which suggests the head has simply continued flying off to the side.


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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick