10 Star Wars Planets That Were Destroyed

1. Alderaan

Star Wars The Force Awakens

When it originally happened in 1977, it didn't leave much of an impact. People were more mesmerized by the amazing effects for the time rather than the emotional impact. It's only since the expanded universe has fleshed out the planet of Alderaan that we realize what a tremendous loss to the galaxy it truly was.

The homeworld of the Organa Royal Family, this cosmopolitan world was more about philosophy and art than about warfare. Battle had no place among the planet of beauty, and its blue skies, green forests and snowy mountain tops was a true safe haven for any who wanted to escape.

After diving deeper and spending more time on the planet in expanded media like Obi-Wan Kenobi and The Clone Wars, fans of the franchise now mourn the fact that it's gone. During the events of A New Hope, Princess Leia is interrogated regarding the whereabouts of the rebel base and Grand Moff Tarkin threatened her homeworld to get the information from her. Believing he's won, Tarkin orders the destruction of Alderaan anyway, wiping away the entire planet and it's inhabitants with a single blast from it's laser.

A now devastating loss which puts the heroics of the Rebel Alliance into new perspective.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!