10 Star Wars Planets That Were Destroyed

2. Ilum

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Those who have only watched the films would know Ilum as Starkiller Base, the First Order's new superweapon. Clone Wars fans will know this world as the sacred place where young Jedi earn their lightsaber crystals.

This small frosty planet was home to one of the most revered locations to the Jedi Order, and became a rite of passage for younglings during their training, going through tests deep within its crystalline caves and eventually earning a kyber crystal. However after Order 66, the planet was ripe for plundering by the newly formed Empire, with troops digging massive trenches to harvest resources for the Death Star's super-laser.

When the First Order came about, they continued to dig into the core of the planet creating a superweapon of their own, with Ilum now known as Starkiller Base. This weapon absorbed the power of the nearest sun and had enough power to destroy entire systems, as demonstrated with the Hosnian System.

Thankfully the weapon was never fired again after the Resistance flew in and destroyed critical systems within the station. The resulting explosion which ended the planet, like Hosnian Prime, created a whole new star, which was named Solo after a certain scoundrel.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!