10 Star Wars Planets That Were Destroyed

6. Peragus II

Star Wars The Force Awakens
Prima Games

One thing that's never been an issue with Star Wars until The Last Jedi, is fuel. It's just something we've never thought about, but 12 years before, fuel was a driving factor in Knights of the Old Republic II - and this all stemmed from the ravaged world of Peragus II.

Prior to the events of the game, the planet was pretty desolate anyway. Nothing in the way of life or anything particularly interesting. What it did have going for it was a rich fuel source, one which the Republic soon started mining. Their prize was unstable however, and when a miner snuck a blaster pistol onto the planet and a fight broke out, a shot ignited the fuel, blowing a huge chunk out of the planet.

This event left the core of the world exposed, but around two-thirds of it was still intact. The third that was gone created an enormous asteroid field, a good number of which still contained fuel, so a mining depot was constructed and work continued.

Eventually, the facility was wiped out after Meetra Surik (known as the Jedi Exile) escaped a starship pursuing her, which fired indiscriminently in what was essentially a giant minefield.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!